Tuesday, January 15, 2013

wow, 4 years later.

I can't believe how long it's been since I've written here. I really wish I had kept up on AJ's story. I can try to cover that past few years... you wouldn't believe where he is now.

After that post in 2008, we took AJ to a naturopathic doctor. My husband (at the time) and my self were both set against medication for him. I had it set in my head that I wouldn't give him a joint to smoke, so why would I drug him.
We tried some homeopathic remedies that I didn't find to help too much.
By the time AJ was finishing up 3rd grade, he had really gotten out of control.  He was still getting in trouble. He didn't have a lot of friends and things for him just seemed to be getting worse. 
The summer of 2009 was a tough one for our family. My husband had moved out and we had started the divorce process.  Among other things, him and I were not seeing eye to eye on a lot of things when it came to AJ.
AJ started 4th grade in September and things were as awful as ever with him. We talked with his pediatrician and wanted to exhaust every option before we had to start the process towards medication.
We tried changing his diet. we omitted wheat as well as red and blue dyes. (not an easy thing to do) AJ had also started going to a counselor once a week, and he met with a Physiologist for a 5 hour testing.  The finding was ADD/ADHD. (duh!)
By the beginning of June 2010 AJ had started his medication.
We had to adjust the mg a few times to get it right, but we noticed the difference right way.
Now throughout 3rd and 4th grades.. his school work and grades weren't horrible. He mostly got B's with some C's and an occasional A.
Summer of 2010 was amazing. AJ wasn't as disruptive and intolerable as he once had been. Sure he still had his moments, but every kids does. The medication wasn't to sedate him. I would never want to take the AJ out of AJ! This kid is funny and smart as a whip. He doesn't miss a trick.
This is the summer he went to camp for the first time too. Sleep away camp for 1 week. He did so well.
AJ entered 5th grade that September and his teacher couldn't believe the difference.
He never really got into trouble. Well, a few minor things but nothing to drastic.  His  grades started to get better and things just seem to look up for him.
6th grade brought on a new school. AJ adjusted well to the change and 6th grade was pretty uneventful for him.

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